Why do people Need day and night?
We need day because people
work during the day and rest
up at night.
What is day?
Day is when the sun faces to the brighter side of the earth .
The earth spins around every 24 hours.
What is night?
The side that faces away is cooler and darker, which is why there is night.
Word Meanings
Moon: The earth's natural satellite.
Pattern: A distinctive model or form.
Plains:An area of land.
Bright; Radiating or reflective light. Surface; The outer face.
What does the word sphere mean?
Sphere means a planet or star.
Does the sun travel around the earth?
Yes, the sun does travel around the earth.
How long does it take the earth to spin around once?
It takes the earth 24 hours to spin around.
The side which faces the sun has daylight? True or False?